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Blog Gdata API - How to choose one blog

(2007-11-18 01:02:22) 下一个

I was stuck on a point that I could not update a specific blog. It took me almost two days to fixes. The answer was so simple. Choose correct blog id.

Anyway, I am progressing along pretty well.


To summaries the progress:

·         Use BloggerClient.java as the base and give up VBA macro;

·         Add proxy handling functionality, so I can bypass companies’ proxy when I am at work;

·         Adapt 3rd party RSS package, so I do not have to write my own;


Bug fixing:

·         Update wrong blog;



·         Retrieving rss data and updating my blog on the fly – Done!



·         More service domains need to be built;

o   EzyTorrentsInfo – Torrents repository;

o   EzyAppzInfo – Hot application information service;

o   EzyMusicInfo – Hot music information service;

o   EzyTVshowInfo – Latest TV shows information service;

o   EzyGameInfo – Hot game information service;

·         Cross references among each domain need to be established;

·         Cut-off post for the last update for future reference;




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