


(2008-04-24 06:33:02) 下一个


Dr Jian Zhou

      Outstanding people, and their equally outstanding deeds and achievements, should be celebrated often.  Therefore the life and achievements of Dr Jian Zhou should be celebrated now and for as long as his legacy lives on.
, and Queensland in particular, are very fortunate to be able to include Dr Zhou as one of our own. Dr Zhou was an exceptional human being, a committed scientist, and a brilliant contributor to medical research.
      In Queensland we are very proud of our research capability and we are therefore proud to list Dr Zhou among our most dedicated and successful researchers. 
      We remember Dr Zhou as the co-inventor of the virus-like particles which form the basis of Gardasil, the world’s first vaccine for cervical cancer.
      This vaccine can potentially save thousands of lives in Queensland alone.
      Since April 2007 more than 178,000 doses of this vaccine have been administered for free in Queensland for girls and women aged from 12 up to 26 years of age.
      While we know this vaccination will deliver major savings to the health system, it will more importantly protect the lives of thousands of girls and young women.
      Dr Zhou was also a founding member of the Centre for Immunology and Cancer Research (now the Diamantina Institute) of University of Queensland. He made significant contribution to the fields of molecular biology, virology and immunology.
      While Dr Zhou was only a member of the Queensland family for a short time, he was a very influential member.
      The research community applauds his achievements and contributions, the medical fraternity recognise his brilliance and worth, and the people of Queensland acknowledge the very significant contribution he has made. Dr Zhou will continue to be remembered for many years to come.

Stephen Robertson MP
Minister for Health
Queensland State Government

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