
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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Pseudo-philosophy: Wishes

(2005-12-11 19:26:24) 下一个

Wise people have said that we should be careful of what we wish for.


Our dreams might just come true.


And why is that a bad thing?


I guess it’s because too much of a good thing can actually ruin our moments of joy.


You see by having our dreams come true we deprive our longings – we deny ourselves the anticipation of a better future which is the essence of our (potentially contented) existence. Journey, no matter how hard it is, is worthwhile because we are working toward something. Once we get our wishes realized, the drive is gone and our happiness can not be self-sustained.


We become, from I want it I’m going to work my a$$ off to get it I’m justified/honored in my pursuit, to Now What?


And Now What is, to say the least, an awkward and ungrateful-to-yourself phase to be in.


So in this sense, we should be careful of what we wish for. We should deliberate and wish inexhaustedly. Because that’s the only way to fend off Now What’s. Am I right? ; )



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阅读 ()评论 (4)
chic 回复 悄悄话 enjoy your break. i miss winter breaks :(

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degree 回复 悄悄话 i followed up your brog almost everyday but did not find anything that I wanted to comment on recently until tonight when i read your comment on dreams.
very busy but now it is winter break.
chic 回复 悄悄话 "Having the dream realized or not is really not that important as long as you have a dream to dream about." - Precisely precisely. : )

Long time no see & hope all's well!
degree 回复 悄悄话 This is really very insightful. I guess your point is a dream realized is no longer that fascinating. We need something to always dream about and look forward to. Having the dream realized or not is really not that important as long as you have a dream to dream about.