
No idea why I need to set up it. Just think it maybe a good way to hire a secretary to help take down what I want , think, and w

Only be nice is not enough

(2008-09-28 14:49:15) 下一个
I read a story this morning:
我教一个朋友学车,休息时来到我的APARTMENT, 但朋友停车时踩到了油门,结果撞上了我租的apartment,房子损坏很大,完全不能住。 现在我不清楚这件事故的责任。现在问几个问题。

He is the second person whom I know to suffer a car accident while teaching a learning permit to drive a car.
Another one was almost the same thing, and what even worse was that the car rushed into a lique store, not only damage the car totally, but also damage the store. Of course, both the guys, "the master and the student", were hurted by the glass. Fortunately, both of them were OK at that time. However, the good relationship between "the master and student" never exist after the accident.  Moreover, "the master" complained that "the student" never saying sorry to him because he was wound. Is that funny? I told "the master" that he should be reponsible for that car damage after he told me his horrible experience, and he should be luck because "the student" did not sue him to pay for the damage.
So, that is why I never let anyone whom I did not teach to drive the car in the city street. Also, I encourage the learner to go to driving school instead of being taught by someone having not certificate. Actually, many Chinese guy who learn how to drive in US like to be a teacher, that is not good unless you graduated from China driving school or you really a good driver in the US for many years.

Be careful!  If you want to keep a good relationship with someone, only be nice is not enough.

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