美国广播公司(ABC)脱口秀明星大嘴罗西,又成了今天新闻的中心。原因是,即将离开ABC的罗西,口无遮拦,说美国大兵是恐怖分子。..."> 美国广播公司(ABC)脱口秀明星大嘴罗西,又成了今天新闻的中心。原因是,即将离开ABC的罗西,口无遮拦,说美国大兵是恐怖分子。..." /> 天下没有不散的宴席 - 博客 | 文学城
席琳 (热门博主)
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(2007-05-23 20:40:38) 下一个







Two ladies on "The View" went head to head again during the "hot topics" segment on Wednesday's show.

A conversation started by Joy Behar dealing with getting Al Gore to run for president ended in a catfight about the war in Iraq, and Behar wasn't even involved

Rosie O'Donnell called Elisabeth Hasselbeck cowardly when she would not respond yes or no to whether Hasselbeck thought O'Donnell viewed the troops as terrorists.

O'Donnell was referring to comments that she said earlier this week that were misunderstood by Republicans.

"You said nothing and that's cowardly," O'Donnell said.

Hasselbeck shot back. "Do not call me a coward. Because No. 1, I sit here every single day and open my heart and tell people exactly what I believe."

Hasselbeck later said O'Donnell found it easier to fight with Donald Trump.

"It's easier for you to fight with someone like Donald Trump because he is obnoxious," she said.

The catfight went on for several minutes before the talk show finally went to a commercial break.

Behar and guest co-host Sherri Shepherd tried unsuccessfully to get the show to go to a commercial break several times.

Here's more of the conversation that preceded the argument.

Rosie: "You, who actually knows me. Do you believe I think our troops are terrorists?"

Elisabeth: "I don't think that you ..."

Rosie: "Yes or No?"

Elisabeth: "Excuse me. Let me speak."

Rosie: "You are going to double speak. Just a yes or no."

Elisabeth: "I am not a double speaker, and I don't put suggestions out there that lead people to think things and not answer my own question."

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臭老王 回复 悄悄话 罗西哪里说了“美国大兵是恐怖分子”?

有些国家政治必须正确,如北朝鲜。可在美国宣讲任何政见都是没罪的,除非你要当官而又和官方政见不同。记得有个电视节目就叫“Politically Incorrect”