

雅而不俗,媚而不艳,纯而不薄,贵而不疏 - 送给山上白云泉姐姐

(2010-04-18 12:48:24) 下一个

Thank you for your exceptionally beautiful and inspiring post. I have read it and its responses numerous times, and I highly admire your bravery and sincerity. You are certainly a very intelligent and tasteful individual. I\'m sure that most other people feel the same way. However, I feel sorry that there exists a minority of bitter naysayers who would use vicious, cutting lies to attack you. You should be prepared to ignore these selfish people. You never need to validate yourself to anyone; I think that you are beautiful just the way you are, and you should be proud of yourself. I look forward to seeing more of these special and unique posts from you in the future. I congratulate you on the artistry and appeal of your photos.

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