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This Magic Moment

(2011-03-28 19:26:43) 下一个

Song: This Magic Moment
Artist: Jay and the Americans

This magic moment
So different and so new
Was like any other
Until I kissed you

And then it happened
It took me by suprise
I knew that you felt it too
I could see it by the look in your eyes

Sweeter than wine
Softer than a summer's night
Everything I want, I have
Whenever I hold you tight

This magic moment
While your lips are close to mine
Will last forever
Forever, 'til the end of time

Rebecca Lin 2008 Fall In USA

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Thanks for your messages.
五弟五哥 回复 悄悄话 久违的感觉,到了让人温馨放松的家。
林贝卡 回复 悄悄话 Jay and the Americans
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jay and the Americans were a pop music group popular in the 1960s. Their initial lineup consisted of John "Jay" Traynor, Howard Kane (né Kirschenbaum), Kenny Vance (né Rosenberg) and Sandy Deanne (né Yaguda).