
peterpan1668 (热门博主)
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(2011-09-14 03:38:29) 下一个



其实加东数年前已经一游,亦曾计划再游无非是因为我长兄嫂他们近期首次来加省亲而特意为其安排的了。我离异的妻子原本铁定暑期由其带着我俩孩子度假的,不想赫然变卦声称因故无暇践诺。这下可苦了我俩孩子了,从暑期开始便巴巴的盼到署中,不想已近了暑尾,她们那不称职的妈说变卦就变卦,以至俩孩子整天垂头丧气的。我正在为如何给她们的的践诺发愁, 正好有位朋友 Tommy 决定带他俩孩子到加东一游 ,为了不止于令我俩孩子过于失望,我不再多思, 便毅然定了和 Tommy 他们一块拼车同行 。

Name:  2011 Trip to PE NB NS Gaspe 297.jpg
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不巧临行前家里出了点事,故行程安排一切便全仗我朋友一人张罗了。因我职业厨师的缘故,路上吃的理所当然的成了我的份内事,好在忙中偷了点闲,我还是设法把路上吃的安排妥当了。为了不至将时间白白耗在路上,我俩商定尽量轮流开夜车,从而省回白天的时间游览。考虑到数千公里的长途驾驶, Tommy 特意提醒将车子检测了后再上路;故临行前去了车行换了油,谨慎起见,我又两次将车送到车行检测,然而最后还是出了事,结果让我们白白耗费了金钱,耽误了一天的回程并两次历险,此乃后话再叙。

Name:  2011 Trip to PE NB NS Gaspe 302.jpg
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(下图:在去加斯贝路上参观的 Centre D ’ art Marcel Gagnon Sculptures )


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peterpan1668 回复 悄悄话 2011 East Canada Travel Plan:

Equipment: Mini Van, Cargo carrier bag, Cooler, Camping Tents, Sleeping bags, pillows, Propane stove, pots, disposable dishes, tissues, band-aids, power lines, lights, off, bottle water, foods (meat, eggs, fruits)

Day 0 (Aug. 12th): 10:00pm leaving Montreal, take HWY40 east towards Gaspe.

Day 1 (Aug. 13th): Arrive Gaspe Forillon National park before noon, hiking 2-3 hours. On the way, do grocery shopping if needed, visit Rismoski BIC park and Marcel Gagnon status for seal watching. Camping in the park. (prepared for fighting against bears).
1. Bic: Rimouski, QC G0L;
2. Centre d'Art Marcel Gagnon, 564, Rte de la mer, Sainte-Flavie (Qc) G0J 2L0;
3. 122 Boulevard de Gaspé, Gaspé, QC G4X 1A9 (418) 368-5505) ‎

Day 2 (Aug. 14th): Drive towards New Brunswick, stop at Roche-Perce (seeing Rock Staly), Bonaventure Island (see birds) and Campbellton (seeing bridge, visit BioParc if time allows). Arrive at Kouchibouguac National park. Hiking 1 hours, camping in the park.
1. Perce Rock:
2. Parc National de l'Île-Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-Percé, 4 Rue du Quai, Percé, QC G0C 2L0 (418) 782-2240
3. Campbellton, NB
4. Kouchibouguac National Park, 186 Route 117, Kouchibouguac, NB E4X 2P1
(506) 876-2443.

Day 3. (Aug. 15th): Drive towards PEI Cavendish. Morning: visit Magnetic Hill, stop at Shediac to see the Lobster status. Noon to afternoon, Visit Hopewell Rock Park (check the tide time table online see both high and low). Evening: drive to Cavendish beach via the Conferition bridge, Live in Avonlea Cottage (3 nights).

1. Magnetic Hill Park, Moncton, NB E1G 3H3
2. 11 Rue Hamilton, Shediac, New Brunswick E4P 2E5
3. Hopewell Cape, NB E4H 4Z5, Canada (877) 734-3429: Tide table 5:00-11:09am, 1.0m; 13:59:12.4 m; 15:29-23:29: 1.3m)
4. 8925 Cavendish Road Rte#6. Toll-free: 800-297-2729

Day 4. (Aug. 16th): visit Summer side, Brackley beach, North Rustico Wharf (buy lobsters?), Green Gable.

Day 5 (Aug. 17th): Play at Cavendish beach, horse riding, water park, national park.

Day 6 (Aug. 18th): Drive towards Nova Scotia Cape Breton Highlands National park. On the way, visit Charlottertown, woodlands park, take ferry to New Glasgow (Nova Scotia), go trails (may see mooses, deers), camping in the park.

Day 7 (Aug. 19th): drive towards Halifax, visit the city and attracts nearby. Live in Atlantica Hotel Halifax.
Address:1980 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3G5
(902) 423-1161

Day 8 (Aug. 20th): Visit Digby (seeing whales?), take ferry to St. John (NB), driving towards Grand Falls. Visit HartLand Bridge, grand falls, camping at Grandfalls or another place.

Day 9 (Aug. 21th): drive back to Montreal.
