


(2006-09-13 16:51:02) 下一个

Study more to understand that each at all times stands in the presence of that Power, that Force, that brings to each the power of knowing self in a material world. Each act, each thought of each body adds to the bringing about of His Kingdom in the earth, or adds to that which prevents it from becoming manifest in this material plane . . .

Edgar Cayce Reading 911-6


. . happiness is love of something outside of self! It may never be obtained, may never be known by loving only things within self or self's own domain!


Edgar Cayce Reading 281-30


For ever, day by day, is there a choice to be made by each soul. One may lead to happiness, joy; the other to confusion, to disturbing forces, to evil and to self-condemnation.
But the will is of self, else ye would not indeed be the child of the Creative and Living Force or God that ye are; but as an automaton.
Then exercise thyself, and bring that to pass in thy experience that will create for thee the environ of helpful hopefulness in the experience day by day.




Edgar Cayce Reading 1538-1


All things having force or power in the earth, in the heavens, in the sea, are given that power from Him; that those who seek may know Him the better. He hath not willed, He hath not destined that any soul should perish. In patience, in persistency, in consistency of thy manifestations of His love before and to and of thy fellow man, ye become aware that thy soul is a portion of the Creator, that it is the gift of the Father to thee. This is manifested in thine daily experience. That portion of thy body which is of the earth-earthy remains with the earth, but that thou hast glorified, that thou hast used as a channel for the manifestations of His Spirit--of thy soul in communion with Him, that body will be raised with Him in righteousness. That the physical body becomes ensnared, entangled in those things in the earth, through the gratifying of those desires that are fleshly alone, those that are carnal, is manifested by the dis-ease, the corruption, the turmoil, the strife that arises within the experience of each soul in its thoughtful activities in the earth.
Edgar Cayce Reading 272-9


(Q) Please explain for me what is meant by "soul-mate" . . .
(A) Those of any sect or group where there is the answering of one to another; as would be the tongue to the groove, the tenon to the mortise; or in any such where they are a complement one of another--that is what is meant by "soul-mate." Not that as from physical attraction, but from the mental and spiritual help.

() 请解释灵魂伴侣 的含义

()  团体和分部里的个体们相互帮助,如榫头榫槽,或者任何一种互补的形式里,就是灵魂伴侣 的含义。不是身体的吸引,而是心智和灵性的互相帮助。

Edgar Cayce Reading 1556-2


Thus the purpose of each experience is that the entity may magnify and glorify that which is good. For, good is of the one source, God, and is eternal.
Then as an individual entity magnifies that which is good, and minimizes that which is false, it grows in grace, in knowledge, in understanding.


Edgar Cayce Reading 2599-1


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