可爱梦园 (*^_^*) * 爱要有你才完美

愛有許多種,哪一種才是永恆的? 我用一生一世的心,去等一生一世的情!
Loveforever1314 (热门博主)
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Loveforever1314 回复 悄悄话 谢谢Villas送我的词!
Loveforever1314 回复 悄悄话 Hurry up, my child,
??Hold fast to Mommy’s hand!
??The way to heaven
??Is too dark. my child.
??Mommy’s worried,
??You might bang your head.
??Hold fast to my hand.
??Let us be side by side.
??I am scared.
??The way to heaven
??Is too blurred.
??I can’t see your hand.
??For the walls collapsed,
??Sunshine deprived.
??I no longer sense
??Your heartwarming eyes, disappeared.
??My child,
??Farewell, my child.
??The way ahead
??will no longer be sad.
??No endless books to read.
??No countless papers to write.
??But you must remember
??Your Mom and Dad.
??In future life,
??How we look.
??How we walk side by side.
??Don’t be afraid.
??The way to heaven
??Is crowded
??With my classmates and my friends.
??We cheer each other,
??No tears, we promise.
??We love everyone’s Mommy.
??Everyone’s Mommy loves me.
??In the days without me, Mommy,
??Love those children who are alive.
??Don’t cry.
??Our way to heaven,
??Tears cannot light.
??Let us
??Say good-bye.
??I shall always remember
??You and Daddy,
??Remember our promise,
??Remember how you look,
??How we walk, side by side.
