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(2011-03-05 21:21:57) 下一个
日子过得飞快.生活中很多事情,我喜欢忙碌的感觉,会比较少有时间去担心不必要的事情.上周整整一周的Onsite workshop,所有人都忙得人仰马翻,我每天早晨8点到公司,晚上9点走,回家后倒头就睡,真的是没有一点时间去想那些bothering我的事情.忙得格外愉快,日子充实,从上到下,人人对我的评价都很好,老板说明年有可能给我升级.我开始明白为什么有人会以工作为人生最大乐趣,成就感和被需要的感觉,特别是对于单身的人,没有家人的需要,不知道这是好还是坏.我对工作的热情越来越高涨,对personal life的投入则越来越少,会不会真的成workaholic?在现在的公司里有种如鱼得水的感觉,这次的project由于原来的担当者的退出,暂时由我代理.绝好的机会,从support position过渡到Project Manager,it might be the best career path I could ever design.很多部门参与这个Project,从Business Operation teams到HK,SG,CH offices,有机会和这些人一起工作,对于刚加入不过1年的我,实在是难得的机会.PM是很辛苦的位置,人人都有话要说,要调节一切让每个人都HAPPY,实在需要很大的努力.我也在逐渐改变自己,我本来的性格很简单,直来直去,喜欢厌恶都放在脸上,说违心的话对于我来说,难于上青天.但是,人最了不起的能力大概就是会适应环境,达尔文的理论,适者生存.很多时候,我会费心去察言观色,Operation leader是个怪脾气的人,但却是整个Project中非常重要的人物,为了得到她的完全配合,我会顺着她的话说一些自己觉得根本没必要的话.实际去做了,其实也不是很难,微笑,第一要微笑,不管什么时候,哪怕气得想把东西摔到对方脸上,还是要微笑,就如同一张面具,只要在公司,就挂在脸上.注意观察,开口之前要先仔细听,很多时候我做得还不够完美,但这种改变的过程也是一种成长.

周五会去公司附近的BAR,喝上一杯算是放松,也顺便做些social network.公司的人,特别是IT部门的,都习惯来这个BAR喝上一杯,随便聊聊,一回生二回熟.前天和fix income的人一起,想不到我还是个名人,在我自报家门之前,人家都知道我的大名,还声称在BBQ party和我聊过,我却一点印象没有, LOL.本来打算只喝1杯,结果最后一直待到BAR关门,回家倒头就睡,快活得很.

Kevin back to Oki. We chatted on phone sometimes, joking around... Somehow he gives me this impression that he does care how I feel, but he wouldnt make it clear. The other day I was saying it like a joke, not very serious, 'Dude r u still in love with me?' He was being quiet, and said my question a bit forward. Then I said, 'Alright, I take it back. Its me who still in love with you, happy?' Somehow he freaked out, 'Its just its been a long time, how can you still say nthat?' I was totally dumb at the moment, think about this, I just done a big presentation, and finally big bosses all happy, so I was totally relaxing and not thinking about anything or even not trying to play any trick. So I said, 'Yes, its been a long time, but if I dont love you, why the hell i do care where you r, or what you doing, happy or not? Do you have a better explanation? Easy, I just state the fact, dont over think about it, ok?' Kevin was quiet since then, I guess he pissed, not sure why, but I guess my attitude wasnt 'silly' (he refers it as in a cute way, lol) enough... I know sometimes I am being too rational and realistic, which is not cute at all, but... I had spent all my energy pretending whatever at work, so with him, I am not planning to pretend anything. This is me, either like or not, up to him.

Work is going well, personal life sucks as usual, lol. 'Life is a bitch', I say, f#ck it.

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jgey 回复 悄悄话 Hey...I had been very busy and didnt check this blog for a long while.

Thanks for all you guys worrying about me, everything is fine here, I am still alive, in Tokyo :)

Gonna write more whenever I have time.

igeorge 回复 悄悄话 Hi Jess, I hope you are doing okay.
clee 回复 悄悄话 Radioactive dust are so harmful that killed tens of thousands people in the The Battle of Chernobyl (see the link below):
joby24 回复 悄悄话 jegy, 好像情况越来越严重了 你回国了没~
clee 回复 悄悄话 Worry about you, Please be prepared ....
Tokyo is situated at what's known as a triple junction, where three tectonic plates — in this case, the Pacific, the Philippine and the Eurasian plates — come together.
Please be prepared for the earth quake is coming closer, please the map in the following link:
emigre 回复 悄悄话 希望你平安!
joby24 回复 悄悄话 hi 看你博客好多年了从来没留过言也没注册过,看到日本海啸地震就想到你,你在东京应该还好吧?希望你平安~
婧子 回复 悄悄话 HEY,日本发生了地震。你还好吗?如果没事就来留个言。
sony008 回复 悄悄话 原来你也可以写中文博客